Check out our amazing events finder

Find events around the globe to suit you 

Hosting an event? Then make sure you advertise with us and be found by your ideal costumers 

Simply use the search to find the event that suits you

Are you looking to attend Hair or beauty events in the uk? Or even worldwide beauty events?

There are Beauty conventions held all over the world and our a great opportunities learn the latest trends 

I love attending events but I struggle to find them, and unless they happened to flash past me while scrolling social media I miss them.

While I’m writing this I am planning my trip to the international beauty show in Las Vegas and I want to make the most of it, so I’m hunting for events. This has not been an easy task and I only found some by looking for the ones I attended last year.

There are some amazing events but they get missed due to lack of coverage but guess what we want to attend!!

This feature will allow you to search for events that suit you and if your hosting an event, this will put you in front of your target audience

Did you attend professional beauty in March

We hosted the business hub and the feedback has been amazing 

Featured event

The skin games Atlanta March 6-9th