Kerry Beavis
I am Kerry Beavis founder of The Abundant Therapist.
Awarded the acclaimed title of ‘Beauty Therapist of The Year’ in 2016 whilst pregnant with my now Avenger loving 4 year old. You will find me with crystals in my bra dancing around the kitchen to Old Skool Garage or filling my home with binaural beats to zen my environment whilst journaling or looking at my vision board! I love being in nature, but I also love being in a Louis Vuitton store!
I have been in the beauty industry for over 15 years from cleaning nails varnishes for free to teaching Reflexology, I have even had a few failed beauty businesses with all the gear and literally NO idea; before social media was even a thing! My mission is to help you learn from my mistakes, to teach you what I have learnt investing £000’s in coaches and time fine tuning my business muscle and make your business ideas a reality in your life experience!
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