Kelly Shaw

Beauty Business Consultant, Business coach, CEO, Educator , Salon owner , Speaker
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About Me

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Kelly Shaw

Salon Owner - Coach - Author - Speaker

I’m probably a lot like you… a salon owner. Just with a slightly different story as we are all unique.

My career started as a trained beauty therapist, working for other Salon Owners like us in the UK and America. It took a few twists and turns, working as Senior Educator for Dermalogica and The International Dermal Institute, then moving into Spa management with success as Spa Director for some of the world’s most exclusive resorts in Thailand, Malaysia and the Caribbean. So, what was next? My own Salon of course, k:SPA and that was 16 years ago.

Why am I telling you this? Because it has taken over 30 years of very varied experiences of super high’s, the mundane and many miserable low’s, to finally realise what I needed to be happy. And it works!

Based in Whiteley, Hampshire, k:SPA now has my own magic formula – but it wasn’t always that way. There have been countless ‘Sod it’ moments when I felt like giving up, just like you I’m sure. In fact, the first week I owned the business, the phone company ‘lost’ my number and all the contacts I’d purchased with the sale!

But there was something deep within me that pulled a learning from every fall. And I eventually reached my goal. But not alone… And you’re not alone either!

I’m still active with my Salon, but now its my choice of how much of my time I spend there and when I do it’s really just checking in with my team and not the day-to-day.

My true passion lies in coaching salon owners. I love helping others breakthrough their barriers and achieve the success they always dreamed of. And I would love to save YOU some of the heartaches and years it took me to learn what I know now.

Please enjoy the book and make it happen for YOU. Or if you think you could benefit from some personal coaching that won’t break the bank, just get in touch for a FREE discovery call.

I’d love to hear from you!