LS Skinology

Home based
Salon based


The Parbold clinic is a safe, hygienic, professional but cosy and welcoming space.
Parbold lies in the valley of the River Douglas, it is known for its views of the surrounding countryside. It’s easily accessible by car from Junction 27 of the M6 or by rail, the train station is a few minutes walk away.

Parbold is a 30 minutes away from Liverpool, Manchester, Southport and around 15 minutes from Warrington.

The clinic is in a tranquil, private location where you can come in and out of your appointment very discreetly. Ample free parking is also available at all times of the day.


Electrolysis Facial LED Microneedling Reki


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Team Members

Lynne Siwoku-Dicks

Electrologist , Salon owner , Skin specialist , Wholesaler
About Me

My name is Lynne, Co founder and Director of Corneo Solutions Linited and Distributor of Prologic Skincare U.K. I am also the founder of LS Skinology. I am a qualified VTCT Skin Specialist, Purist Corneotherapist and Licensed Electrologist, Gut Health and Reiki Practitioner Some years ago I decided to further my education and study Corneotherapy.

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